3 research themes
From science to farm, the Network provides innovative science-based solutions according to Canadian dairy producers’ priorities and the challenges they face.
Increase cows capacity to resist and destroy invading pathogens.
Aim to improve resistance through management, genetic selection, and enhancement of the immune system.
New alternatives to modify the immune response.
Vaccine development.
Selective treatment strategies
Demystify pathogens to implement the best curative and preventive practices against mastitis and develop technologies to control the disease.
Le Réseau canadien de recherche sur la mammite bovine et la qualité du lait (RCRMBQL) rassemble plusieurs chercheurs canadiens et internationaux, étudiants et divers autres professionnels au sein d’un ambitieux programme de recherche. L’issue de ce programme est d’offrir à l’industrie laitière canadienne de nouveaux outils et de nouvelles connaissances pour améliorer la santé de la glande mammaire, la qualité du lait et pour réduire les importantes pertes économiques liées à la mammite.
Diagnostic method validation
Innovative treatment development
Enhance the ability of dairy producers and their veterinarians to implement the most appropriate strategies and take the best decisions to fight against intramammary infections.
Housing system optimization.
Mesure of economic and sociologic impacts of mastitis.
Experts of tomorrow
Our goal is excellence!
Publications, newsletter, etc.
Mastitis Pathogen Culture Collection
A collection of 16,000 microbial isolates